Qualification and personal development for your doctoral phase

Our aim is to provide doctoral candidates with the best possible qualifications for current and future professional challenges. With our range of further training offers, we support you in developing your professional and methodological skills so that you can boost your career potential - whether inside or outside academia.


DateTimeEvent titleHost
18 March 20259 a.m.GC Workshop: SlidewritingGraduate Center
21 March 20259 a.m.GC Workshop: Scientific research and writing with AIGraduate Center
25 March 20259 a.m.GC Workshop: Voice trainingGraduate Center
31 March 20254 p.m.GC kurz & bündig: Science communication – What, how, where and why?Graduate Center


DateTimeEvent titleHost
3 April 20259 a.m.GC Workshop: Applying for jobs in EnglishGraduate Center
7 April 20259 a.m.GC Workshop: Scientific research and writing with AIGraduate Center
11 April 20259 a.m.GC Workshop: Von der Dissertation zum Buch (in German)Graduate Center
29 April 20259 a.m.GC Workshop: Urheberrecht bei wissenschaftlichen Publikationen und in der Lehre (in German)Graduate Center


DateTimeEvent titleHost
7 May 20259 a.m.GC Workshop: Lesestrategien für Promovierende: Lesen – Verstehen – Erinnern (in German)Graduate Center
13 May 202510:30 a.m.Creativity – Pathways to new ideas
Center for Leadership and People Management
15 May 20259 a.m.GC Workshop: Presentation skillsGraduate Center
26 May 20256:30 p.m.GC Speed Slam – Sum up Your Research!Graduate Center


DateTimeEvent titleHost
2 June 20259 a.m.GC Workshop: Optimizing writing strategies in EnglishGraduate Center
11 June 20251:30 p.m.Fundamentals of science communication – Introduction and techniquesCenter for Leadership and People Management
23 June 20259 a.m.GC Workshop: Souverän die Disputatio bewältigen (in German)Graduate Center
27 June 20259 a.m.GC Workshop: Self- and time-managementGraduate Center

Subject-specific opportunities for further qualification can be found on the websites of our faculties, research projects, and doctoral programs.

Note for international junior academics: Please be aware that some of our events are currently only available in German. We are constantly updating and improving what we have on offer. Please do feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

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